you can use following commands:
/opt/imperva/ragent/bin/rainit stop
/opt/imperva/ragent/bin/rainit start
/opt/imperva/ragent/bin/rainit status -> to check the status of agent process
Cezmi Cal
Barikat Internet Guvenligi Bilisim Ticaret A.S.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-23-2025 10:04
From: Pedro Gonzalez
Subject: [IMPERVA] - Imperva process not possible to stop
There is a problem in the host where Imperva is installed and we tried to stop the agent. The agent appears as stopped now but there is a process which keep going on and we are not able to stop it. The process is the following:
/opt/imperva/ragent/bin/ragent -r /opt/imperva/ragent/ -d /opt/imperva/ragent/e
Any of you know which process is this one? which options are "-r" and "-d" and "/e/"?
Best regards,
Pedro Gonzalez
Infraestructure Secutity Eningeer
Telefonica, S.A.