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  • 1.  Need Help with Cloning a VM and Setting Up DR for Imperva SecureSphere WAF

    Posted 15 days ago

    I want to clone a VM to set up a disaster recovery (DR) environment for an on-premises WAF. I exported the configurations using the "Export / Import Manually Using the Interactive CLI" guide. After creating a new VM to serve as the DR environment, I attempted to import the configurations, but the process is requesting the system password (i.e., the DBA password for the SecureSphere database).

    Could you please provide a step-by-step guide on how to complete this process? I also want to ensure I follow the correct procedure for setting up the new VM. Additionally, how can I confirm that the new VM is able to communicate with or is actively communicating with the SecureSphere WAF?

    Looking forward to your guidance!


    Saheed Adisa
    Solution Engineer
    Ethnos Cyber Limited

  • 2.  RE: Need Help with Cloning a VM and Setting Up DR for Imperva SecureSphere WAF

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hello Saheed Adisa,

    Thank you for the post, you can follow the below link for Import/Export of the configuration,

    Syed Noor Fazal
    Product Support Engineer