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  • 1.  The best approach for an unsupported database

    Posted 16 days ago

    Hello folks, 

    I have some issue about picking the most suitable DAM deployment option for an unsupported database. So, from DAM version 14.8, the Gateway Bridge & Sniffing deployment is no longer supported, which mean that soon it will be deprecated. The only option left now is to pick Agent Monitor deployment. In my case, the customer operates a lot of unsupported databases, such as MongoDB 8.0 & Elastic Search. Agent deployment for both of em is not supported according to the Security Coverage Tool Website, so does SPAN configuration. So, what is the best solution for these types of databases. Can DSF handle these databases? Thank you and much appreciated.


    Chau Vo Ba
    Technical Support
    Ho Chi Minh

  • 2.  RE: The best approach for an unsupported database

    Posted 5 days ago

    Hi Chau Vo Ba,

    I had a previous POC on DAM with so many unsupported windows and database servers. Im not sure if Imperva will build  patches or agents for those EOL/EOS windows or database platforms.

    We ended up recommending to the client to have a parallel platform that is running in the latest windows versions (OS and databases). This also includes unix and linux os and databases.


  • 3.  RE: The best approach for an unsupported database

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi Angfe Landagan, 

    Thank you for your response. So, in this case we will have to recommend our client to use a supported database / os platform for DAM. But do you suggest using DSF for these unsupported databases? 

    Chau Vo Ba
    Technical Support
    Ho Chi Minh