Hi Cezmi Cal
Tks for your reply
So as I understand it, audit data will be stored on the Gateway. On MX, only data is stored such as scanned sensitive data, vulnerabilities, policies, configurations...
In which GW folder can I view those audit data?
Pham Phuong Nam
M-Security Technology Indochina Pte. Ltd
Ho Chi Minh
Original Message:
Sent: 01-22-2025 06:29
From: Cezmi Cal
Subject: Why does Gateway split into 2 drives when imported on Vsphere?
hi Pham,
When gateway down, the audit data stored on DB server disk temporarily if the agent cannot access any other gateway. if you dont want to lose any audit data, you should register the agent to at least 2 gateways or a gateway cluster.
additionally, audit data is not synchronized to MX, but data should be archived from the gateway to an archive server with periodic archive jobs.
Cezmi Cal
Barikat Internet Guvenligi Bilisim Ticaret A.S.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-22-2025 04:05
From: Pham Phuong Nam
Subject: Why does Gateway split into 2 drives when imported on Vsphere?
Hi Cezmi Cal
Tks for your reply
So is audit data synchronized to MX? Because I don't know if Gateway goes down, all audit data will be lost. Right?
Pham Phuong Nam
M-Security Technology Indochina Pte. Ltd
Ho Chi Minh
Original Message:
Sent: 01-22-2025 03:53
From: Cezmi Cal
Subject: Why does Gateway split into 2 drives when imported on Vsphere?
Hi Pham,
VM150 is MX server and V6500 is Gateway keeping the audit files sent by Agents. Therefore, a GW needs more disk capacity then MX. The second disk of the GW is used for storing that Audit data.
Cezmi Cal
Barikat Internet Guvenligi Bilisim Ticaret A.S.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-16-2025 20:29
From: Pham Phuong Nam
Subject: Why does Gateway split into 2 drives when imported on Vsphere?
Hi everyone,
When I deployed a new Imperva DAM. I found out that if I Import OVF file and select VM150 model, it will be assigned 1 disk by default for this virtual machine. However with V6500 model, it is assigned 2 disks. Does anyone know why, and what each disk is used for?When I deployed a new Imperva DAM. I found out that if I Import OVF file and select VM150 model, it will be assigned 1 disk by default for this virtual machine. However with V6500 model, it is assigned 2 disks. Does anyone know why, and what each disk is used for?
Pham Phuong Nam
M-Security Technology Indochina Pte. Ltd
Ho Chi Minh