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State of API Security in 2024 report available now!

By Grainne McKeever posted 04-18-2024 08:45


Hi Community, 

I am excited to announce the release of the State of API Security in 2024 report, a new report based on our threat research and the first report on API Security published by Imperva. 

The State of API Security in 2024 Report highlights how APIs and their increased usage are significantly changing the threat landscape. In 2023, the number of API-targeted attacks rose significantly.

Attacks targeting the business logic of APIs constituted 27% of attacks in 2023, a growth of 10% since the previous year. Account Takeover (ATO) attacks targeting APIs also increased from 35% in 2022 to 46% in 2023. 

Based on data from Imperva Research Labs and Imperva API Security expertise, the report also provides insights into common API security challenges and offers practical API security recommendations for the year ahead.

Here are some key takeaways from this year’s report: 

  • The average number of API endpoints discovered per account is 613

  • 71% of web traffic is API-related

  •  The top-targeted industry for API attacks is Financial Services

  • 1.5 Billion is the average number of API calls per year to enterprise sites

  • 27% of API attacks mitigated targeted API Business Logic 

Click here to download the report. You can also learn more about Imperva’s API Security at the upcoming Community webinar. RSVP below:

Building a Robust API Strategy


