OK. In case of creating a new HTTP Service in the Site tree, I have to walk through every single policy (approx. 400 Policies) and apply it on my own (except the few that were applied automatically)?
Don't seems to be very user-friendly ...
Haupt Cont
Original Message:
Sent: 03-21-2023 14:06
From: Jaired Anderson
Subject: Automatic apply of policies
There is a set of "default - out of the box" policies that are applied.
There are policies outside of the firewall policies that can be automatically applied; for example, the Stream Signatures and Network Protocol Validation policies.
Jaired Anderson
Original Message:
Sent: 03-08-2023 09:09
From: Haupt Cont
Subject: Automatic apply of policies
I have no glue how imperva waf (on-prem) is applying existing policies when a new webservice (new Server Group) is created.
I understand that custom policies don't get applied by default (because some custom policies may apply only to certain services / server groups) - so far so good. But I don't know the approach which is used for default / ADC policies. I saw some webservice / application policies that didn't get applied on creation of a new service and others were applied.
I know there is an checkbox "Automatically apply this policy to new server groups", but this is only available for instance for the firewall policy.
Haupt Cont