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  • 1.  Error importing on-prem MySQL asset in DSF

    Posted 06-16-2023 05:35

    While importing asset in DSF getting below error. Attached screenshot for reference. 

    Error Code: 500 (action-center-service No records of actions synchronization were found. Please run actions synchronization at least once before using Action Center. Synchronize URL: [server]/playbook_synchronization_history.xhtml)


    Urvin Shah
    M.Tech Solutions (India) PRIVATE LIMITED

  • 2.  RE: Error importing on-prem MySQL asset in DSF

    Posted 06-17-2023 06:25

    After Running Synchronization in Playbook page getting new error while importing same asset. 

    Error Code: 400 ([action-center-service] No action found with ID 'actions:sonaractions.import_actions_import_resources')

    Urvin Shah
    M.Tech Solutions (India) PRIVATE LIMITED