Hi Community, Hi Sarah, Hi IMPERVA
It's nice to belong to IMPERVA Community.
I have been working with IMPERVA's technology for over ten years.
I did a lot of PoCs, PoVs, and product deployments of WAF, DAM, JSonar, RASP and CloudWAF/anti-DDoS with the rest of the modules.
I know that TraffordIT was the first IMPERVA Partner who has achieved all technical statuses: Support Partner, Professional Services Partner, Professional Services Engineer, and Technical Support Engineer with the sales Platinium Partner status at the same time.
It is a big honor because I can work worldwide as IMPERVA Professional Services Engineer and Technical Support Engineer implementing and supporting IMPERVA.
I'm here because I love helping and sharing my knowledge and experience.
You can call or write me if you need help during implementation or services.
Private - I love sailing and canoeing.
Karol GruszczyΕski
IT Security Expert
Trafford IT
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2022 11:23
From: Sarah Lamont
Subject: Introduce yourself!
I'll start...
I'm Sarah, Imperva's Community Manager! (I know, I'm sure you see me here enough)
I am learning from you all everyday and get really excited when our Imperva team have new features and tips to share in blogs / webinars. I'd love to see even more tips / best practices from our users. I'm also a BIG fan of our video hub! :-)
I am beyond excited about my first trip to Italy next week (a little less excited about dealing with 2 kids in the heat, but only a little).
I'm going to tap a couple of my fellow Imperva team mates to introduce themselves and some of their existing work on community.
@Jaired Anderson @Ira Miga @Jim Burtoft - over to you :-)ββββ
Sarah Lamont
Digital Community Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2022 11:16
From: Sarah Lamont
Subject: Introduce yourself!
Hi Community,
I thought it was about time we had a thread for members to introduce themselves.
Maybe you'd like to tell us a little more about yourself, your role and the Imperva products you are using or interested in? What you hope to gain from Imperva COmmunity?
... and anything else you'd like to share really.
Let us know below...
Sarah Lamont
Digital Community Manager