Hi Team , @Sarvesh Lad
I have followed the below steps for the SSL certificate installation on DSF/SONAR gui access.
sudo cp $JSONAR_BASEDIR/sonarfinder/conf/server.xml $JSONAR_LOCALDIR/sonarfinder/
sudo chown sonarw.sonar $JSONAR_LOCALDIR/sonarfinder/server.xml
sudo mkdir $JSONAR_LOCALDIR/ssl/certs
sudo cp sonar.cer key.der $JSONAR_LOCALDIR/ssl/certs/
sudo chown -R sonarw.sonar $JSONAR_LOCALDIR/ssl/certs
Then added the path to the key and certificate. I have set he full path also instead of the environment variable but not worked (attached is the server.xml here)
<Certificate certificateKeyFile="$JSONAR_LOCALDIR/ssl/certs/key.der"

Then restarted the sonarfinder. After that we are not able to access the sonar GUI.
Kindly advice.
John Deelas
Professional Services Consultant
StarLink DMCC